Auckland Daycare filled with Aroha

Spacious homely setting with a modern twist
Shooting Stars is a spacious and homely daycare located in Ellerslie, Auckland. Being licensed for 17 children is one of our unique features giving your child the opportunity to play and learn amongst a small group of friends.
We are a mixed age centre licensed for children from birth to five years of age with excellent teacher to child ratios. Tuakana teina is naturally encouraged and embedded through our daily rituals.
Totallly Natural Outdoor Learning and Play Environment
Children at Shooting Stars enjoy an outdoor space that far exceeds the MOE standards. Our children truly love the spaciousness with our good old fashioned back yard complete with chickens who even hatched at the centre. Opportunities for open ended play are endless for children to use their imagination as they lead their play using nature's beautiful resources.
Our extensive outdoor area is complemented by some lovely big native trees and is totally natural. The children love to pick feijoas when they are in season and enjoy caring for our gardens with love!

Teaching from the Heart
Along with our excellent teacher ratios we are very proud that the teachers at Shooting Stars teach from the heart. We understand the huge importance of relationships and respect is at the heart of everything we do.
Caring Fun-filled Environment for Learning
At Shooting Stars, we provide a high quality of learning and a nurturing environment. Learning becomes meaningful for children when it goes hand in hand with loads of fun, igniting curiosity and wonder through different learning experiences and provocations. Our small child numbers and high teacher ratios mean that we can maintain an excellent standard of care, attention and education.
Our centre hours are 7.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.